Friday, 19 February 2016

Good night

Sleeping and gone with lights turned on....Honking Horns and wild thorns...Disturbs the dream, making it Torn.....So Go sleepy and creepy Till ur Alarm πŸ”” clock Goes On N On On😴😴😴😴

Friday, 5 February 2016

BmW X1

The rugged background amid construction site with silvery sky matching the car's color creating an aura of roughness with sheer driving pleasure.Dim focused lights hanging on an under construction house reflects the toughness in all weather.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Netflix degrading indegenous culture of india.How?

Imitation is a viral fever that craves for spreading without any senses for degrading.Take a journey,watch anything and it ends up first with believing and then practicing.Let's take a leap into an introductory in our country which is uncensored and from a new world.